OHIO's DUI, Drunk Driving, OVI
Resource Center
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Ohio OVI Attorney Recent Results

Welcome to OVILaw.com's Ohio OVI Attorney Results Directory. This site is offered to provide you with a list of Ohio OVI lawyers who handle OVI cases / DUI cases. The OVI attorneys are listed by the Ohio counties in which they practice, so you may find some DUI attorneys who are listed in multiple areas. To find an Ohio OVI / DUI lawyer in your area, simply choose the Court and/or Attorney from the drop-down lists and click go.



You searched for [ County: LUCAS ]. Your results are listed below:

Ohio OVI Attorney Recent Results*
On 5/9/2008, OVILAW.com Attorney Directory member, John L O'Shea, was in the 6th District Court of Appeals in Toledo with a client charged with OVI. After attending a Motion to Suppress, John L O'Shea's client received a victory when the Court of Appeals released its unanimous decision, which dismissed all charges and ordered the client discharged.

*OVILAW.com does not guarantee the efforts or results of the individual attorneys listed anywhere on this website. Further, each case has different facts including, but not limited to, a defendant’s driving history, the court/judge, the arresting officer’s experience, the prosecuting attorney’s experience, the defense attorney’s experience, and sometimes even the law can differ. OVILAW.com strongly recommends that you choose an attorney after carefully reviewing their credentials and experience. OVILAW.com assumes no liability for the work or results of any attorney listed on this web site.

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